• Do you grow organic produce?

    We are not certified organic however our produce is grown chemical-free. We use two year old cured chicken manure produced by our own chickens as supplement for the soil. We use regenerative growing practices to maintain soil health which translates into nutrient dense vegetables. We care about the food we eat, hence the food you eat.

    We grow the following vegetables among others: baby greens, basil, beans, beets, bell peppers, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, garlic, Japanese turnips, kohlrabi, onions, kale, variety of lettuces, peas, potatoes, radishes, spinach, tomatoes, winter & summer squash.

  • How does a CSA work?

    We provide you with a “Farm to Table” experience. We deliver fresh produce for a period of 12 weeks during the summer season. This usually starts at the beginning of July and finishes by the end of September depending on the growing season, which is dependent on weather conditions. We will send you an email informing you about the start date.

    Please note that sometimes the season may be extended by one or two weeks if weather conditions delay the growth of some vegetables. The beginning of the season starts with cool-loving vegetables which are fewer than the heat-loving vegetables later in summer.

  • Where can I pickup my weekly CSA share?

    We deliver your CSA share to a specific pickup location every Monday evening. There are three locations to choose from:

    Spruce Grove, Rotary Park @ 5:00-5:30

    Edmonton SW, Cabela’s/Montana’s parking lot @6:00-6:30

    Edmonton West, Government House parking lot @7:00-7:30


    Pickup at the farm @ 10:00am-12:00pm

  • I have holidays planned. Is that a problem?

    No Problem! Just let us know at the time of purchase how many weeks you will be away and we will reimburse you for those weeks.

    Please note that you can provide us with that information on the subscription form.

  • What if I cannot pickup my CSA share on a particular week?

    We suggest that you make arrangements to have your CSA share picked up by a friend or relative. Just let us know who to expect. If you do not pickup your CSA share at the designated time, we will donate it to the food bank.

    There is always the options to come out to our farm to pick up your CSA share at an agreed upon time but we must be notified at least one day in advance.

  • I don't like a particular vegetable. Can I substitute it for something else?

    Yes. At the time of purchase, you will have the opportunity to tell us what you do not want. We can substitute it with another vegetable if it is available at that time or duplicate the amount of a vegetable already in your share.